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How do i??

How do i get money fast and save it up. can you give me some ideas to help me??

Top 8 Answers

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Offer to take out neighbor’s trash for 1 dollar a month. Also can clean people’s houses do odd jobs (please remember to ONLY ask people you and your parents know and are ok with!) Yardsale was a good idea. Why do you need the money? If it is for a school trip, etc you may be able to get relatives to donate to your cause.

First thing you can do is make goals. Every day/week/month make a specific amount of money you want to earn. Second, you can always help your mother do chores around the house and maybe she will be generous and give you some cash. Third, make a bank account!

Hope that helped. =)


Window cleaning on the side made the richest man even richer!

Walking the dog, brushing down horses, milking goats, herding sheep offering to wash car window screens.

For each penny earned store each penny in its place.

For each birthday treat, add it to the store.

For each tooth loss – and gain from the tooth fairy save it.

Polish shoes?

Cut the grass.

Sell paper origami made shapes/patterns.

Hope this helps. Good luck!


maybe you can earn an allowance or help a neighbor sweep vacuum dust fold laundry pick small things up around

their homes also load or unload dishwasher gardening don’t

be afraid to ask you’ll be surprised to find out how many elderly people or parents with small children could use a hand

good luck and keep your chin up.


Try to do some work — you may not be able to get an “official” job; however, you can babysit, mow lawns, snow removal, walk dogs (or pet-sit), get a paper route….the list is endless. You just need to be creative and be willing to work.

babystitting, pet sitting, walking dogs, mowing lawns, raking leaves, shoveling snow, washing cars, doing chores, lemonade sale, garage sale, etc.

don’t spend it…..or have a yard sale and sale old stuff that you don’t want anymore…i guarantee you’ll make at least $50 quick

breed puppies

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