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Brittney J

How come I never went to summer school and im bad in school ?


Top 3 Answers

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it sounds like you really want to go, and i have no idea why. maybe you aren’t as bad as you think you are, or you school just doesn’t care about there students.

If you’re behavior is bad, then the teachers didn’t want you in there because summer school is for students who are struggling academically.

When recommending students for summer school, teachers take into account the student’s actual abilities vs. his/her grades, as well as his/her behavior in class. A misbehaving student is likely to cause more problems than solve problems, so he/she is ranked low for summer school. The students who I’ve given the highest recommendations for summer school are the students who really are struggling with basic skills and would benefit from the added time.

Payment has nothing to do with it. If a student can benefit from summer school, we’ll get him/her in the class.


Gypsy Girl
Because your parents didn’t pay for it.

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