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How can we reintroduce reasonable discipline into the schools and motivate unmotivated students?

Somehow, we need to get back to students who are attentive, not disruptive…who are motivated, not bored…who are in class to learn not take up space. Suggestions?

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Education has to be given more than just lip service. It helps to have lessons that are connected to real situations the students can find themselves in. It helps when parents reinforce the idea that learning is important. Unfortunately ,there is no sure way to make everything better. It will require dedicated parents, teachers, and administrators backed by the government with money and workable ideas instead of platitudes. All we can do is make our little corner of the education world better.

I wish I could find the solution to this problem. I have been teaching for 30 years and although we had our share of unmotivated students then, it seems to be more common now.

I can only think that it has to start at home.


I think those kids are, by and large, gone.

If you find the magic solution, let me know.


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