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How Can I be the best student I can be?

What can I do to be the best student Im going in to 7th grade and I no I have it in me but how do I show it?

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An A’s Student do the following things

1) They learn how to prioritise. ( Work first before u Play)

2) They are very organised. ( This would save them alot of time because they do not need to spend so much time looking for their books or worksheets.)

3) They study and do their homework..

4) They are always eager to know things out of the textbook.

5) They speak good language. ( it always give a good impression)

6) They pay attention during class.

7) They always clarify things that they are unsure of.

*8) They do regular revision and NOT last-minute work.

9) They have a goal in life that keeps them going.

10) They are not ashamed of being a Teacher’s pet.

i used to be a good student too but i’m losing my motivation to continue working towards my goal. Would you help?


Try hard to not get distracted by the computer, T.V., friends, etc. Have your fun on the weekends or whenever you have enough time. If you are focused, your teachers will notice. Also, try to get a spot in the front row of every class. This will show that you are interested, and it makes a great impression. Never act up in class, being chatty and having an attitude will make your teachers greatly dislike you. Good luck on entering a new grade!

There is only one way to show you have brains… Your grades will do all the talking for you. Study real hard ask a ton of questions and if you don’t understand something ask to be explained again until you get it… Sorry man there is no easy way out.. WORK really hard to get what you want.

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i wouldnt be the best student. ill get good grades and challenge almost everything the teacher says.

ok you sit and lisn to the teacher and you can learn alots of stuff just by siting and do what they say if kids mess with you go to the teacher ok dont ever fight back in school k

1. Focus

2. Be interested in what you are learning

3. Don’t say I have to do my studying, say I want to

4. Work hard and ask for help


LoViiN iiT
just try your best….do everything u can …and do all your work…over achieve when possible and thats all thats asked…you’d be surpirsed how awesome u can be when you work really hard to be

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