How can I apply my Bachelor of Arts degree in Religion?
Favorite Answer
You can teach at a private school without certification. Salaries are generally lower, however, and many private schools are religiously-affiliated, and will prefer to hire people with religious committments that reflect the school’s affiliation.
There are, however, lots of other opportunities for students with degrees in religion. Don’t forget, your studies exposed you to a great deal of information about various religions and cultures. This can be a valuable background.
Former majors in my department, for instance, are journalists, editors, political staffers, human resources personnel, social workers, researchers and analysts, employees at NGOs (non-governmental organizations, usually with a charitable or community-service focus).
Just brainstorm about what it is that you really are interested in, and market yourself to people who hire in that area. It’s not as hard as you might think. Emphasize your research skills, and your familiarity with global cultures and religious orientations.
Best wishes to you!
If you have a Masters degree you can teach at any college/university in the country.