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Homework Help Plz?

Write a 4 line poem of a:

– Metaphor

– Alliteration

– Assonance

NOTE: No Plagiarizing

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I’ll give you examples, but I’m an English teacher myself and don’t feel right writing this for you… 🙂

Metaphor compares two things without using like OR as.

Ex.) Life is a rollercoaster.

Alliteration is when you have 2 or more words that begin with the same letter in the same line…

Ex.) Bogus and Beautiful Blondes

“Assonance is the repetition of vowel sounds in non-rhyming words as in, “some ship in distress that cannot ever live.” The i’s in those words have the same vowel sounds but they do not have to rhyme. Assonance includes but is not limited to alliteration with vowel sounds”

So, get to writing this poem…Only 4 lines, and I guess include all these? Play with them…It’s fun if you take it seriously. I promise.


A woman is a sly slythering slimy snake

She lies to the man and says no one took the cherry from her cake

arguably a apple has been eaten by eve

women was put there to decieve


if someone writes u a poem then ur plagerizing anywayz!! poems arnt hard anywayz!! i hate poety and even i can throw something to getther weither it make sence or not doesnt matter its peoty!!

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