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High School Summer Study Abroad Program= Oxford vs. Cambridge?

Next summer I am intrested in either an Oxford or Cambridge University study abroad program. I was wondering if anyone had participated in this, and what they thought, and also wether the Oxford or Cambridge program was better. Thanks so much!

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hey, if u want a snobby uni! then go to them!

but it is cool over here in the UK, literally! and always raining!

hope this info helps u!



I can’t speak to the Oxford program, but I attended a Study Abroad Program at Cambridge during my Junior year. It was definitely worth the extra effort and expense. In addition to taking classes during the week, I planned day trips to various towns and points of interest on the weekends. FWIW, if you wish to retain your textbooks as future reference material, don’t carry them back on the plane. It’s cheaper to ship them separately than to pay the fee for the extra weight on the plane. Evensong services in King’s College Chapel, listening to the the bell-ringing at Great St. Mary’s, patronizing the outdoor market and punting on the Cam were favorite pasttimes. I was there for the local Guy Fawkes’ Day festivities and planned a week in London before flying home which afforded me the opportunity to see the Queen in royal procession after the opening session of Parliament. If you choose to participate at either institution, immerse yourself. Learn of the local culture and customs. It’s like everything else, you get out of it what you put into it.

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