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High School senior in the fall.. help?

In September I’ll be a senior. I’m really not that excited bc I see it as bitter-sweet. I hate high school, and I’m ready to get out, but I’m scared about the future. I have NO idea what I’m going to do as far as college/a career. I’m not one of those people who already swears they’re going to a certain college and always wears that colleges sweatshirts etc. In fact, I really don’t want to go to some big college. Which is probably a good thing bc I wouldn’t make it in anyway… I don’t do any school activities/clubs bc I leave school early everday to go to work and I took the SATs in June and got 1740. I’m really just thinking about going to community college for 2 years since I don’t even have a clue what I want to do. Any advice?

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i just graduated last year and i was the same my senior year. first let me tell you that this year there are going to be a lot of ppll coming to your school to help you figure out what your gonna do, thats what really helped me. but whatever you do make sure youdo go to college next year cause otherwise ur gonna get put of the “study mode”. trust me, i hated high school. and once you get out you’ll feel much better. either way it goes go to a community collegeto start cause then you’ll pay way less for the same classes you could get at a university. and while your there im sure you’ll find something that will interest you!!! good luck–u can email me if youwant any info or anything

First. Congratulations on being a Senior, you are almost done!

Now, believe it or not, most of your peers are in the same boat. It might not seem that way and it might appear as they all have their adult lives planned, but they dont! You are fine. My best advise would be for you to go see a highschool counselor about what you want to do in the future. They have tests you can take to see what you would be good at and what career you wouold hate. I was in the exact same boat, I used to leave early to go to work and was never too involved in HS activities. You should apply to whatever college you want. Your sat score is really good and Im sure you will be accepted into most 4 year universities (which is what Im doing). They are not as hard as ppl make it seem to get in them, trust me, Ive seen some kids at some Universities that make me wonder if they even check the applications. Either way, enjoy your last year of highschool, keep your grades up and explore possible career opportunities. Make sure to apply for financial aid on time and scholarships. I took a year off after I graduated HS to work full time to pay for college and now Im a junior at a local university (changed my major once already, everyone does it, there is no shame in it).

Either way, relax! Youll be fine, just find a college and start out (first 2 years are general education anyway) and then Im sure you will figure it out!

Best of luck to you!


first of all, it’s totally normal that you don’t know what you want to do! i mean seriously, how are we supposed to make life decisions at 18 years old?! you do still have some time to figure things out though. find out when applications are due, most colleges have similar due dates. talk to anyone you can, school counselors, parents, older friends, aunts and uncles, friends of your family, even strangers if you find yourself in an appropriate situation! none of them may have THE answer but they all have something to offer you.

also, community colleges often get a bad reputation but there’s nothing wrong with going into a 2 year program! among many other things, it’s better than not going to college at all. also, you may very well find something you’re interested in and end up going into a 4 year program. or not, and that’s ok too.

the best advice i can give you is don’t decide to take a year off. it definitely sounds like a good idea but it’s too easy to not go back if you do that. even if it means just taking a few classes at a community college, keep going with your education. also as a side note, most college aged kids need to be full time at a college to stay on their parent’s health insurance. so look into that! good luck!! feel free to send me a message if you have any other questions!


Jason D
Community college saves your parents a tone of money, but hey i was a senior last fall and i got a 1730 on my SATs, i don’t do jack after school, and had a 3.56 gpa and i got into Virginia Tech, youd be surprised at some schools that would accept you. And i hate it when people say “yeah im gonna be a doctor when i go to school, bla bla” just choose a wide variety of classes and find something you like.

Community college sounds like a good choice. You can take general classes that you’d have to take for any career, while trying to figure out what you want to do as a career. I cant suggest any careers for you but I’m sure you’ll figure it out. Enjoy being a senior!

you could get into plenty of schools. your SAT scores a are pretty good. but if u dont know what u want to do then yes i would recommend a community college. still u could go to a 4 year school and just go undecided.

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