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high school early?

ok…i want to graduate high school as early as possible.

so if i take if i take as many classes as i can, get all the credits i can, and go to summer school in addition, when can i graduate, any more tips on how to graduate early?

Top 4 Answers
I can only be me

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Yeah that’s possible. What grade are you in though? you usually only get 7 to 8 classes, depending on your state. But if you go to summer school every year and pass all your classes its possible. For example say you in 10th me and my best friend are. And she is very smart she Can actually be in 11th because she has enough credits to be in that grade. If you have any other questions just send me an e-mail. And online classes are possible. But that also depends on your state/school district. My school district hasn’t approved it yet.

My brother graduated as a junior.

He took night classes at his school.

I don’t know if your school offers that. But taking classes in the summer will definitely help.


Graduating early, get as many credits as possible as quickly as you can. Sometimes you can get them through teen travel programs or through universities. You can take college courses during high school and graduate college early.


And the purpose of graduating early would be……?

I’ve seen many students graduate early over the years. I’ve never talked to one who didn’t regret it.


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