Help!!!! Admisssion Essay!?
I am freaking out. Along with other things that make it almost impossible to get into a college, SAT scores, class ranks and so on, they have to throw in an essay to make things worse. Needless to say, i have no idea how to approach the various topics such as, evaluate a risk, accomplishment and so on…, or indicate a person who has influenced you blah blah blah. I have no idea how to start, stupid writiers block! I can’t think of anyway to make these boring topics intresting without turning it into a fiction essay. Any help?
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First off, despite what the creators of the SAT or ACT tests may say, unless you are aiming to get into a very high class university (Harvard etc.) don’t worry about the test scores that much – you still need to get a fair score, but don’t worry about having to get into the high category. The Essay that most colleges and Universities have you write is so that they can see just how comfortable you are with writing properly – they basically just want to know how you think about risks, or if you realize that people have influenced you and that you are mature. Make sure that your spelling, and particularly your grammer is on the up and up, and that it is written properly. Don’t panic too much, because even when you do get into college, there are exit writing exams and placement exams to see where you should place for things like math, sciences, writing, foreign language etc. These are not tests to worry over, but simply tools for the school to better place you where you need to be – it’s not about being smart or stupid, but about where you will be most comfortable and not struggling. Just write the essays in proper english, proper writing – no shorthand or shortcuts, and it would probably be a good idea to have a counselor or teacher look over your entrance essay to help edit if you feel nervous about it. Most colleges may seem imposing, but they really aren’t that hard to get into… A good start to an essay on say, a person who has influenced you is to start talking about who they are, not just name, but what they do to influence you, why they are unique, and what makes them special in either a good way – or bad way that influenced you… most of them really aren’t that long, and once you start writing you may find that it may need to be edited down to the 500 word or whatever size they need to be. Good Luck and the number one thing to remember about colleges is BE YOURSELF and just relax!
I actually thought the essay was one of the easiest parts of the admission process. Most places don’t want anything long, which is great because you don’t have to write that much. I was told that a college essay should be one page, font size 10, and 1.5 spacing.
All you really need to do is think of one event in your life that had a big impact on who you are today and write about it. You can start off with a paragraph explaining who you are and what you want to do with your life. After that, write up a few paragraphs about the most important things that happened to you that made you feel like you want to go in this direction. If you feel that what you want to write about is too hard, you should pick something else because it’s not meant to be hard. Your essay should be about the one topic you know better than anyone else–You!
Don’t try to sit down and write it all at once. Get some ideas and outline some themes. Let a good idea come to you and then make sure whatever you submit is flawless with respect to spelling and grammar. They’re not looking for Hemingway, they want to know you have basic writing skills.