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Grammar check help?

The end of the Ice Age initiated many new sequences that caused the Neolithic Revolution to occur. The resulting climate of the Ice Age had brought about a cleaner environment that aided the the human population to increase. Consequently, numerous people began searching for new and more reliable sources of food. As the ice capes continued to melt, many of the big game animals began to retreat. Human hunters had to turn to smaller games to survive. However, many people turned over to agriculture as their dependant source of food. Thus beginning the agricultural revolution known as the Neolithic Revolution.

Do you find anything wrong with this paragraph? Is my grammar poor? Rate it please 😛 Any advice?

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The end of the Ice Age initiated a sequence (of events) that caused the Neolithic Revolution. The resulting climate change at the end of the Ice Age brought about a cleaner environment that aided in the development of the human population. Consequently, numerous people began searching for new and more reliable sources of food. As the ice caps continued to melt many of the big game animals began to retreat. Human hunters had to turn to smaller animals to survive. However, many people turned to agriculture as their dependent source of food. Thus began the agricultural (phenomena) known as the Neolithic Revolution.

Your grammar is typical of most high school students.. I would rate it at about the 9th grade. Your sentence struture is ok, but it is hard for people to undertand what your sentences mean. Your word choice is ok, but some parts are ‘wordy’, without saying much. I edited it, with word replacement, deletion and structural changes. I hope this is what you wanted this paragraph to say!


Take out “had” in your 2nd sentence. Take out one of the “the’s” in your 2nd sentence. I would say “food sources” instead of “sources of food” – more concise. It should be ice “caps,” not ice “capes.” Take out “over” in the 6th sentence. Combine the 6th and 7th sentence like this, “However, many people turned to agriculture as their dependent source of food, thus beginning the agricultural revolution known as the Neolithic Revolution.”

1st sentence – change to: many new sequences that culminated in the end of the Neolithic Revolution.

2nd sentence – delete “resulting” it is a gerund and incorrectly used. Also, delete one of “the” – you typed it twice.

At the end of sentence 4, delete the period and replace with a semicolon (;).

Dependent is spelled like this.

Thus, (add the comma)


I wish my students could write English like you. I rate yours as very good, bordering on excellent.

I can only find one grammatical error. ‘Game’, meaning ‘wildlife’ is an uncountable noun, so you must say ‘game’ ( i e without ‘s’) even when you are referring to the plural.

‘Game’ referring to sport is, of course, countable.

There are just a few places where I would use a different form of expression, as opposed to grammatical mistakes.

1. It is unusual to use ‘aided’ in the way that you have done. ‘helped’ is adequate and better, I think.

2. I am sure that on re-reading, you will notice that you have missspelt ‘caps’.

3. ‘turned over to’ (line 5) normally means ‘handed over’. I would use ‘turned to’ as you did on a previous line.

4. Their dependant source of food’ literally means the food was dependant on them (eg like ‘dependant relative). I would say ‘the source of food on which they mainly depended’

I hope this helps..


Da B
I read alot and I love it. It explains your subject well and though I know nothing about this era of time, it informed me without being filled with words whereby I need a dictionary to understand. It’s a 10!

Nilanjana B
Just fine.

Very good.

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