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Grade Point Average – I don’t get it.?

I had a company evaluate my British University academic transcripts and after 4 years, taking every paper into account, I have a GPA of 3.11. The thing is, I don’t know if that is any good or not. Am I clever, stupid, or somewhere in between???

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Usually GPA’s are based on a 4 point scale. 4= A 3=B 2=C 1=D 0=F…. Now if your’s is like this… 3.11 would be a Average B. (Not B+ or B-) So yes this would be a fairly clever person. But grades only say so much about a person. Some people have stellar grades and try extremely hard, however they have poor test scores. Others take tests with ease and don’t really have to try, but then get low grades because they lack a work ethic. And to comment on another answer earlier… you CAN get into Grad school with this GPA it may not be your top choice… but it is good enough to get your masters or even Phd later on. You can always raise this GPA by taking supplemental college courses.

It’s a good GPA, but not fantastic. And as was said, you can get into grad school with a 3.1. My GPA was around that (I literally can’t remember) and I was accepted into my program, but my school was not ivy league. And to my knowledge, British universities are far more exclusive than American ones, so I’m not sure how easy you’ll get in.

By the way, your GPA is not necessarily based on being ‘clever’ or ‘stupid.’ There are plenty of people with good grades who are stupid and vice versa. But if you are concerned w/ continuing your education, that would indicate your intelligence.


3.0 is a “B” average. This means you were successful in school. This won’t get you into Grad school, they want a 3.5 GPA. But you are a success, unless you want to be a brain surgeon or a lawyer.

very good! any GPA 3.0 (in your case 3.11) or above is good.

GPA between 2.5 and 3.0: you need extra educational help

GPA below 2.5: terrible!



This basically means that you have a B average. If it were 3.5, it would be the equivalent of a B+, and a 4.0 is all A’s.

3.11 is great..the 4.0 is the highest….3.11 is a great score..your not dumb stupid or retarted…no one is perfect…congrats and good luck in life <33

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