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Go out with a professor?

I am at top business school program. There is one professor who is famous and with lots of industry connections. He is tenured at another top school. At the end of the class and before the final he openly courted me in the class room. Other classmates tell me it is stupid of me not to go out with him. As with his fame and connections, he will be able to help me out a lot. I like him too. I rejected him at the end, no I regret it. Did I do the right thing?

Top 7 Answers

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Yes, you did the right thing.

Your future success in the field of business will ultimately depend on your qualifications not who you date. Im assuming since you are at a top business school, you are bright and motivated. Why then do you need to sleep with someone famous to get ahead? Do you want to lower yourself to trading sex for networking opportunties? If your an intelligent, self respecting person you dont need him.

I also do not believe its healthy for professors to date young students. His interests and needs are different than those of a young girl. Trust me, his fascination with you is based on sex not establishing a mature, nuturing relationship.

So please, please avoid this guy at all costs.

Good luck, Christopher


Old Professor
I am afraid you have made a terrible mistake young lady. It is only natural that an older professor (we are humans too you know) takes an avid interest in you. Keeping aside the usual career advantages, think of the wealth of life experience you missed out on – the anecdotes from his travels, the evenings with rare single malts, the opportunity to attend parties at the faculty lounge (OK, so you may have to avoid his wife but that is a minor inconvenience).

These kinds of opportunities don’t come by often – if I were you, I would drop by his office tomorrow, admit you made a terrible mistake, order some Roederer Cristal and book a room for the weekend at Red Roof Inn.


You absolutely did the right thing. He has absolutely no business asking students out (by all rights, he should be fired for that, but if he is really that famous, the school may wimp out for fear of losing his name), which is considered completely unethical these days. Even if he used his connections on your behalf, they would be doing HIM a favor, and you would just be seen as some bimbo he was sleeping with. You can succeed without sleeping your way there, and I’m glad to see that you realized your own worth.

Yes i trhink u did right ,if he really fells committed he shud approach after the finals & not before ,May be he could have helped u but otherwise also if a person is sincere & having good education can get all chances..Why to compromise ?

if u like him for him yes,it seems like ur jsut focusing on what it would give u if u went out wit this proffesor of urs…

so yes u did the rite thing.cuz i dont think its rite to go out wit someone jsut becuz theryre resourceful


, for me i think if you like the professor go ahead!!and grab the oppurtunity,, well on the otherhand you reject him and you regret right???so, for me as soon as you have a chance like that and ofcourse if you like the guy go!!!

Only if you didn’t want to have sex with that dirty old man.

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