Finish master’s degree or start a professional job?
I have a job opportunity on the other side of the country. I could easily transfer my credits to a similar program, either master’s or phd.
I am unsure of what to do. On the one hand, I have a year left (tuition free thanks to assistantship), but on the other hand, I could be making actual money and beginning a career…and I can still finish, tuition free.
Thoughts? Thanks.
Favorite Answer
I think you should transfer your credits to a program that might challenge your mind more. And what an adventure travelling across the country! (you should make it a road trip!!!)
I worked while I was working on my teaching credential, it was hard, but worth it, I was able to earn money while learning and doing what I love.
Good Luck with everything!!!
Some even…. Pay ALL… for Masters or PhD.
Check with the Human Resources….. at the Promise Place of Employment!.
GET IT ALL IN WRITING…. before you Decide…..!
Thanks, RR