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Does anyone know the Japanese kanji for “We’ll miss you”?

A friend is going away to Japan for school, and we’re getting a cake for her going away party and want to put “We’ll miss you!” in Japanese. Can anyone show me what that would look like?

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for kanji(chinese)=我們會想念你



5 years ago
There is a traditional exchange in Japanese when two people part company (when people leave the house in the morning, or when people go on vacation, etc). The person leaving says: 行ってきます (ittekimasu), ‘See you again,’ (literally, ‘I will go and come again’) and the person staying behind replies with: いってらっしゃい (itterasshai), ‘See you again,’ (literally, ‘Go and be here again’). Why not put いってらっしゃい on the cake? I realize you’re thinking of the English meaning even when using Japanese on the cake, but phrases like the one’s suggested above are kind of depressing in Japanese, kind of gloomy. いってらっしゃい is very positive, full of encouragement. It’s what Japanese people would say in this situation.

How soon do you need it? I could ask my mother as she is Japanese. By the way, the previous answer was rude, offensive, and a very bad rascial slur. Can we have that person banned for that?

Ching Ching Chung!

”(name)+chan(for girls) /san(for older)/kun(for boys) に逢えなくなるのが寂しいです”

寂しい(samishii) means “miss”

Or how about using ” meet again”??

また逢いましょう(mata aima shou)/また逢おうね(mata aou ne)

i guess it is more common…

hope it helps you!


KANJI?!? does it have to be kanji? why not hiragana…well for space i guess…

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