Does anyone else besides me have a college degree & no job?
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Very few people have jobs after they finish school. And most of the time, they know someone.
I currently work for the State of Minnesota as a computer consultant 🙂 And I get paid far more than most people will when they’re near retirement.
That’s the thing about college and degrees. They don’t mean as much as they used to (very little now, actually). If you work right out of high school you’ll have 2-6 years of REAL work experience before the college crowd does.
Businesses prefer certifications than degrees, as stated in Forbes.
To those who say that degrees don’t mean what they used to – that’s true; they mean far more in most fields. Unless you are a computer technician, jobs for which you used to need a college degree you now need a master’s for. Certifications in most fields mean nothing. I’m not saying that in your field you might do fine without the degree, but the fact is that most college graduates do far better than most who did not. The average lifetime salary differential is close to $1 million, and yes, that is in favor of those with the degrees.
So now, I’m a house husband and a home schooling parent.