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Legate Tatiana

Does anybody know how accurate this I.Q. test is?

I took this test a little while ago:

Does anyone know how accurate it is? You know, you might have taken it, then taken a non-Internet I.Q. test, and had the same score or whatever. All answers are appreciated!

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there are no on-line I.Q. tests that are valid; PhD certified or not.

All you have to do is ask for their alpha coefficient to understand they have no idea how to validate their validity statistics, if any exist at all.

If you want to know your I.Q. (for whatever reason), have yourself tested by an educational psychologist who will administer and interpret a valid I.Q. test.

EDIT: Omer, please present evidence for your opinion about on-line tests. I am still waiting to see an alpha coefficient number aligned with any on-line test.


Omer K
Online tests are basically accurate. All IQ tests measure ‘g’ , just like the real psychometric tests.

Though of course this particular test *could* be an anomaly.

Ive taken a real life IQ test (WAIS) and my score on that is almost always within a range of 7 points of the score I get from online tests

( I hasten to add that as they are *ALL* basically accurate – dont get ripped off into paying for a test! for instance is free (but is timed) )


I took the test for fun. I honestly think that Tickle

offers a better iq test. the PHD series is not bad as tests go.

this test seemed a little too pleased with itself. Too many

cir constructs(i.e.) if boof is higher than biff and crank is lower

than pooby, can glut be taller than boof is he is acquainted with crank? Tests like these are busy work tests, and from

there it was all downhill. Tickles tests can be tiring, but the phd

series is worth wading through the rest and the ads at the end of each. p.s This test became easier when I grabbed a

pencil and a piece of paper. That should not be.


i just asked a similar question and someone told me that interenet iq test werent so accurate, real ones are graded by psychologists

hope it helps!


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