Do you save every assignment your child does?
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Other things to save are lists of books read, documentaries watched in relation to homeschool, photo’s of dramatic presentations a child takes part in, recordings of the child playing music, etc. But certainly not everything!
Wow! I had one real long run-on sentence up there!
Okay, I read the other answers, if you are in a state where the laws says you must keep everything for a certain amount of time, then of course abide by the law. But if it only calls for a portfolio then save samples of work, tests, etc. A portfolio doesn’t usually need to have everything ever done in it. It would be good to show a few writing assignments going from first draft to final draft, all tests, plus other things I mentioned above.
You should have two seperate portfolios ( one for each girl). The keeping of the paperwork or assignments for the prescribed time period is so that IF they pull a backcheck (checking stuff from previous years) and YES they have been know to do that—-you will be able to produce it with no problem.
We had a backcheck pulled on us about a year ago and the only thing that stopped them is when I sat the portfolio on the table, opened it up and ROACHES poured out ( NOT KIDDING )—I also learned to use a Plastic container and not the paper accordian ones after that (that’s what I get for living in Florida).
So …… Date it, Store it and keep it for 2-5 yrs…a pain I know but better safe than sorry.
When I began homeschooling, that “save everything” started all over again.
But now, I am back to the point, of only saving the best: projects they did their best on, art projects, higher level exams, book reports, poetry, things that are sentimental or relevant to a portfolio.
I think you are doing enough, but you may want to hang on to some examples of writing assignments and other projects for a portfolio.
I’m in VA and I send a packet to the school board every year, and I keep some things to let my kids review all the time. For example, we keep a 3 ring binder for each subject (math, science, us history, world history) and we review those off an on.
We keep one huge 3 ring with really special assignments or extra hard work..stuff like that..and it stays. But most of our stuff goes into recycling the same day.
So Bless….both stay at home & working Moms….Your Saints !!!!!
I made scrapebooks, long before scrapebooks were popular mine aren’t fancy.
But each boy had about 20 books for display at their graduation party, plus I made a photo books galore, and a huge collage of pictures.
I really Loved doing it!, wonder if they appreciate all the Time, Effort, & Love, that I put into it ? But I would do all over again !!!!
I throw out math pages as soon as they’ve finished the chapter, I just put the chapter review in their portfolio. Same with language arts, phonics and reading comp– we keep review samples. Writing generally gets kept in the portfolios, like reports, essays, creative writing. I keep their good artwork, not necessarily everything they’ve ever scratched on paper with a crayon.
When review is over I go through it all. Is it something really special I should keep forever? (First art work, etc.). If not then it goes into a grocery bag, taped shut and I write the year on it. We are required to keep it for two years in our state. After two years – it is ready for the dumpster. Because I have already taped & sealed it I have no hesitation in just dumping it!
I’m sure what you have is plenty, as long as the state doesn’t require more.
I keep a journal, and make weekly entries.
When the time comes again to make a transcript, we will translate it into “edu speak” as my husband (M.Ed) likes to call it.
I make a note for myself what it is we need to pay extra attention to, and since they have to be 85 % or over in understanding the materials , or concepts before we move on it is not needed to keep “assignment papers” for record keeping, unless your state has such requirements.
I keep a reading list, and check mark in a different color for each child if they read the book, and sometimes we discuss it. (verbal narration)
We do not do formal tests, their daily, or weekly work is how we measure progress in math, as well as in the different components of language arts.
All other subjects are accumulative, and over the years they gain knowledge of them through reading, debating the issues, or hands on projects, and experience.