Do U Think I Can Read 3 Books Before August 13?
For Summer I am suppose to read 3 fairly long and sort of complicated books (I’m going to a magnet high school) and i’m only on chapter 4 in the first book(because every chapter i have to write a summary then i start to lose intrest)do you think i should just read the whole book then write book summary or just probably end up reading only one book with a chapter by chapter summary? PLEASE HELP
Top 6 Answers
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I just read a 435 page book in a day and a half. Of course that was pleasure reading. I know some of that required crap is miserable. Yeah, you can, you just have to put your mind to it. Good luck.
I can read a whole book in a day or two if I have to.
Try looking up the “sparknotes” of the book for help with summaries. If the chapters are long I’d read the whole book first then go back and write summaries.
Try and your local bookstore- if they are like classics that many people read.
It can be possible if you are able to retain absotelly everything or the most important points of each chapter or the whole book.
Otherwise yes, you can read 3 books until August 13th anyone can but few are the chances to absorve the contants of it.
Who put you up with such task? 4 weeks for all that?
you have an entire month, unless you are slow at reading then this should not be a problem at all. If i sit down and do nothing but read for an evening (2-4 hours) i can finish a 300-400 page book. Pick books that are interesting to you so that you will want to read them.
Just do a chapter by chapter summary or talk to older students that has done it.
Read the whole book than go back and fill in what you left out; it’s much more likely to work for you.