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Do I need to take pre pharm courses in 4yr college eventhough community colleges has all courses?

I live nearby community college which has all the courses required from pharmacy school. I , however, heard that a pharmacy school prefer students taking pre pharm courses in 4year colleges. Is that true?

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Yes it is probably true. In my experience, classes at comm colleges are a lot easier and in some cases dumbed down (for a lack of a better term). Pharmacy schools know this and will assume that GPA is somewhat inflated. I have seen this first hand, as I have taught at a few comm colleges and the course were quite remedial (in my opinion) to the equivalent courses at a four year university. Pharmacy shcool is a lot of hard work so by taking the harder classes at the 4 year university, you will be better prepared than if you took classes at the community college.

One other thing to consider is you have a better chance of getting into pharmacy school if you are an in house student, meaning you did your first two years at the same university as the pharmacy school. Some pharmacy schools may say this doesn’t matter, but the numbers speak otherwise.

I would suggest that you do you first two years at a 4 yr college, preferably at the same university as the pharmacy school. You will have a better chance of getting in, and once in, you will be better prepared for the hard work ahead of you.


When I was an anesthesia technician, I was talking to one of the physicians and he told me that if you take preprofessional courses in community or junior colleges they multiply your GPA by .7, or .8. That means a 4.0 turns into a 2.8 or a 3.2.

Therefore it would be wise to go to a 4 year college.


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