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Do all high schools use the same GPA conversion system or is it different?

When I was calculating my GPA using my school’s system I got a 3.6, but when I used the GPA conversion system on different websites, I got a 3.3, 3.4, etc. Do different schools use different systems? By the way, what letter grade is equivalent to 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, and 3.6?

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Different high schools use different systems, particularly if they have different levels of courses. For example, honors courses might be weighted higher and therefore have a different number of quality points associated with them.

Where it becomes standardized is at the college level. College admissions offices convert your grades to the standard form, and that way they’re comparing apples to apples when they get their thousands of applicants.

Your GPA in the mid-3 range should be a solid B.


5 years ago
A = 4, B = 3, C = 2, D = 1, F = 0. Total up all your classes that you have credit for, and divide it by the total. Example: I have 4 A’s, 3 B’s and a C. So that’s 27 points. Then you divide that by 8, because that’s how many grades I have, which is about 3.4.

Many schools choose different GPA conversion systems depending on the Country and State you live in.

old lady
GPA conversion is conventionalized. That is, it is standard with all schools. It has to be, or it becomes meaningless if you have to guess whether a 3.2 is a C- or a D or whatever.

Check with your school advisor to make sure you have the right information.


They are different. At my high school I have a 4.3 GPA but the highest possible is around 4.5 (if you’re taking all honors classes). So really, it’s all different.

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