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Depressed about missing out on my High School Years?

I’m 18 years old I’ll be 19 in October. In 8th grade I pretty much dropped out of regular school and opted to attend an “Alternative School” for High School which is basically a smaller version of High School with tutors and less classes and shorter days. I did okay there, but only good enough to get my GED which I’m almost finished with.

For the last few months I’ve been horribly depressed almost every day. My only friend has a MySpace page and I can’t help but look at it and see all his friends and good times he had in High School. He went to so many parties, had so many friends/girlfriends and seemingly had a great time.

I had NONE of that. I’ve been pretty sheltered for the last few years and have no social life. Now my school years are basically over. I’m going to community college then maybe a university but I’m still so depressed it makes me sick. How can I feel better all of this? I can’t really relate to anyone. I wish every day that I had stayed in school.

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I lost mine too, go to and read my little biography if you are interested in knowing what happened.

God can cheer a person up, he guides our hearts however he wants. So why don’t you try his way and ask him to change yours? He changed my life, and no “chemical imbalance” stopped him. On the link below is also health information as well as another health guide on the main site:

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:o) Good news – since you are planning to go to college, you kind of have a ‘do over’ where you can develop a social life.

There is absolutely nothing about high school that would have set you up with a great social life, and there is nothing about an alternative high school that deprived you of it. I know plenty of kids that are home schooled that go out and choose activities and volunteer groups that give them a great social life, and I know high schoolers that are essentially loners – and they comment that seeing other people having friends and a good time makes it worse.

Noticing that you are missing out (and, no, parties and My Space aren’t signs of a successful life or even a successful adolescence) should be a strong motivator for you to find social opportunities.

I suspect that you have a bit of a lazy streak, anyway, based on what you indicate motivated you to chose the schooling you did and ‘barely’ get by. It’s possible that you are also generally depressed which can feed the lazy streak. I would definitely try to work some exercise (even if it is just walking a lap or two around the campus every day) into your routine… not only will it help elevate your mood, but you’ll be out there seeing people…. don’t miss an opportunity to say ‘hi’ even if that is the only thing you do.

If there are volunteer opportunities or clubs on campus, join (Oh, I know, the meeting is ‘of course’ at a terribly inconvenient time… prioritize!). You may not stay interested, but it will get you out of the bubble that you have built yourself. Study at school as much as you can.

Be friendly to people at work…. not creepy, just friendly. True, they still might not invite you to their parties (they don’t invite me, but after a few college parties, I realized that I am definitely not the party type, anyway, and I appreciate them as friendly coworkers).

If you friend is a good friend, ask you friend to be blunt with you about why you don’t have more friends. But whatever you do, don’t argue with the answer… it’s probably got a grain of truth in there somewhere.

You can’t go back and make different choices in the past, and if you focus on regretting those choices, you’ll miss opportunities to make different choices now…. and have even more to regret. You chose your path for a reason, and you’d probably, actually, make the same choice again. Don’t waste your life with “what if’s”… we all have them. And absolutely DO NOT use your high school as an excuse for why you can’t make friends now. Baloney. Get up, get out, and get a life.


THanK you so much for posting this because I went homeschooling half way through my 8th grade year after i got out of public school because i hated it there. The five months in homeschool were the worst five months of my LIFE. Its summer so I was just gonna give up and go to a chater school but now Im going to a public school to at least TRY it out with the knowledge that I have other options. You inspired me to not just give up like that because I might nevr have a social life again or do the things you do in hgihschool. SO Im going to be a frshmen this year and make life what I make it not what others make of it.

P.s. Try having fun in college and put the past in the past


don’t be depressed, never think well i should have did this or should have did that. never look back with regret, just move forth. and just because your friend has a lot of friends on his myspace doesn’t mean their all his friends. you can’t miss what you never had, live your life to it’s fullest NOW because there is no time like the present.

go to college so you won’t regret it in your future, it’s an opportunity to meet new people and engage in activities. college is better than high school so you didn’t miss much.


dont worry!what you didnt do in high school you can make up on college and uuniversity!same happened to my cousin,went homeschooled from 9th to 12th,really depressed,but in college she cheered up.

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