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considering UOP for my bachelors?

I am thinking about going to the university of phoenix onlie for their bachelor’s program in software engineering. is their program good? ive heard some pretty bad stuff about some of their progams like the MBA, but nothing on the tech classes side

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The U of Phoenix, in general, is not considered a particularly reputable school. They have a very low graduation rate – in their online programs, it’s around 14% – which is far lower than any college I’ve ever known.

As an employer of software engineers, not only do I not recruit from U of P, I actively avoid it. If you sent me your resume, I would not look at it. If you’d been working for ten years since graduation and sent me your resume, I still couldn’t look at it. My company would not hire you. There’s just no way.

Honestly, you’d do better attending your local state college. It likely has a far better rep with local employers than U of P.

If you must attend college online – if it is literally impossible for you to attend a campus based program – then at least look for an online program tied to a reputable, brick and mortar university. So that’s not Devry, or U Phoenix, or ITT, or Kaplan, or Strayer…

It could, however, be:

U Mass Amherst

U Maryland

Ball State U

Carnegie Mellon

Worcester Polytechnic

Rensselaer Polytechnic

Oxford University (if you’re overseas)

U Iowa

U Illinois

U Denver

Also look at your local state university and community college systems. They may actually have this program online – it’s a fairly popular major to do online.


As with any online education. If you do the reading, the homework, and feel you have effectively learned the subject matter. Then you have earned your degree. I am a present student at UOP in the MBA program and I see where I am learning what is being taught and also that others are not getting it at all but still they pass with a much lower grade than I do. The advantages of UOP’s learning system is it is based on what you will experience in the work force. A system of team work centered on goal achievement what is the normal enviroment of today’s buisnesses.

I am an executive in the marketing communications field. I earned my bachelors from a traditional program and a masters from uop. I haven’t encountered any problems with finding jobs. I have heard negative things too. Here is what I think the problem is… they have an open door admission policy similiar to that of a community college. They don’t turn anyone away, so you do tend to have some uneducated people from various walks off life attend…plain and simple they give the school a bad name and bring it down.

I would not recommend attending UoP….Especially if you ever plan to transfer or do graduate work. They do not have a good reputation among other institutions (admissions policies, courses taught). They might even be considered a degree mill.

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