Can you tell us more information about the Hong Kong brain drain and are there any feasible solutions to it?
I also need more information about the Hong Kong Brain Drain and the effects it is going to have on Hong Kong in the future.
Also, i could like to find out if there is any feasible solutions to it. Thank you.
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in your yahoo search engine : hong kong brain drain
Brain Drain, the Sequel
Call it Brain Drain II. In the 1980s, Hong Kong suffered a talent exodus when people learned China would retake possession of the city in 1997. At the time, the civil service suffered defections but its integrity was not compromised because enough bureaucrats stayed on, considering the salaries and perks attractive – and that they had the respect of the executive branch.
In post-handover Hong Kong, where signs of graft are obsessively monitored, the job-hopping civil servants have prompted warnings that they could lean on their former staff for favors.
Reverse brain drain: Hong Kong. (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)