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Can you make a story from these first lyrics?

No order is needed, just use them all.

1) Hey there Deliliah, what’s it like in New York City?

2) They tried to make me go to rehad, but I said no, no, no.

3)When I was a young boy my father took me into the city, to see a marching band.

4) I watch the proverbial sunrise coming up over the Pacific and you might I’m losing my mind but I will shy away from the specifics.

5) Come to decide that the things that I tried were in my life just to get high on.

Bonus (its a second line): I’ll be running circles around you sooner than you know.

Top 10 Answers

Favorite Answer

you got great taste in music!!!

(telephone) ring ring ring.girl1: hey there delilah whats it like in newyork city? girl 2:im doing great but they tried to make me go to

to rehab i said no no no! when i was a young boy my father to me to this city to see a marching band. so its cool to be back in this city. girl 2: well i watch the proverbial sun rise coming up over the pacific and you might im loosing my mind but i will shy away from the specifics. come to decide that things that i tried were in my life just to get high on. well bye delilah


When I was a young boy my father took me into the city, to see a marching band.Hey there Deliliah, what’s it like in New York City?

They tried to make me go to rehad, but I said no, no, no. Come to decide that the things that I tried were in my life just to get high on. I watch the proverbial sunrise coming up over the Pacific and you might I’m losing my mind but I will shy away from the specifics. I’ll be running circles around you sooner than you know.


Tell a story about a young boy growing up in the west coast country.(watch the proverbial sunrise coming up over the Pacific ) His father was an alcoholic making this boy use drugs.(They tried to make me go to rehad, but I said no, no, no ) The boys girlfriend moves to New York, making him feel as if he my be losing his mind but does not want to discuss because of his past with is alcoholic father. In turn run circles around you soon means repeating the story of the alcoholic father. I don’t know if this is what you are looking for. So if not good luck…..

5 years ago
I like them. They make me feel like I’m the one being told all about the perspective of the singer personally. To be honest reading it I can only really imagine it to be sung as a rap

They tried to make me go to rehad,

But I said no, no, no,

They tried to make me go to Rijad,

But I said Whoa, whoa, whoa.

I ain’t got the time

And if GW says I’m fine,

They tried to make me wear a hijab

But I said….I didn’t spend all this money on a face lift and makeup. oh no, no, no



of course! i make stories out of titles sometimes lol, if u need help email me

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