Can you give me some big words in English?
#1 Give me respectful words, such as cruel, hideous, unsightly.
#2. Give me words that are loving, such as affectionate.
And the list goes on.
Person who impresses me most will be honored with 10 points.
Favorite Answer
antagonistic (adjective)- hostile; unfriendly.
antipathetic (adjective)-having or showing antipathy.
contumacious (adjective)-stubbornly perverse or rebellious.
recalcitrant (adjective)-resisting authority or control.
cantankerous(adjective)-crabby,ill-tempered and quarrelsome.
obstreperous(adjective)-noisily and stubbornly defiant.
rambunctious(adjective)-difficult to control or handle.
lackadaisical(adjective)-lacking spirit, liveliness,etc.
discombobulated(verb)-to confuse or disconcert.
#2. effervesence(adjective)-showing high spirits or animation.
transcendental(adjective)-surpassing or superior.
Here’s a few of my favorites….
parsimonious(adjective)-excessively unwilling to spend.
instigate(verb)-to urge on, goad.
quixotic(adjective)-extravagantly chivalrous or romantic.
saturnine(adjective)-sluggish in temperament, gloomy.
perspicacious(adjective)-having keen mental perception and understanding.
I hope I helped out! This was fun for me!!
animosity: dislike or hatred for
aversion: loathing for
abhorrence: strong loathing
repugnance: disgusted with
revulsion: it’s so bad I wanna puke
misanthropic: distrust of
aberrant: deviant
banal: commonplace or trite
bombast: pompous speech
enervate: to weaken or destroy
infatuation: obsession with
partiality: a bias for
fealty: loyalty
ardor: passionate love for
affectation: a love or fondness for
ambrosial: extremely pleasing to the senses
nurture: to care for lovingly
propensity: a tendency toward
indulgent: giving into
prized: held in esteem
compelling: draws you toward
inclined: leaning toward, chosing
queueing – longest number of consecutitive vowels 5
means getting in line
cal·li·pyg·i·an adj Having beautifully proportioned buttocks.
an·te·di·lu·vi·an adj of or relating to the period before the flood described in the Bible. Also meaning very old.
vac·u·ous adj Lacking intelligence; stupid.
It would fall into the “loving” category, since it refers to charity.
1. of or pertaining to alms, charity, or charitable donations; charitable.
2. derived from or provided by charity.
3. dependent on or supported by charity: an eleemosynary educational institution.
unconscientious _ don’t care about ethics/right or wrong
flabbergasted — dumbfounded
manoeuvrability (US maneuverability) — able to manoeuvre (maneuver) things
ecclesiastical ——- pertaining to the church, clergy
2) compassionately