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freaked out about junior high!!!?

ok, so here’s the deal. Most of my friends are already in junior high because they live in different districts. my district goes like this.

Elementary: Pre-4

Middle: 5-7

Jr. H: 8-9

I’m going into the 8th grade and my friends keep telling me that it’s fine and you’ll get used to it. Get used to what? Something bad or just school? They tell me i’ll do great. But then at the same time they tell me stories about evil teachers, tryouts, boys and mean girls, and a whole bunch of other things. (I’m really not comfortable about changing in the locker room in front of everyone…) Can anyone give me tips and stuff? PLEASE!!! (My school has 7 buildings… 7 BUILDINGS!!!)

Top 3 Answers
Kenneth C

Favorite Answer

What kept me out of trouble when I was in school was to be involved. Get into some sports, get into school clubs and activities and even get a part time job if you are old enough to work. You will meet positive people doing positive things. Not the jerkoffs that don’t want to do or be anything. Just do what the teachers want, stay away from the clowns and keep busy. Good luck at school

Way too many responsiblities :/
My Jr High has lots more buildings than that. It’s not that bad, just don’t worry about. Everyone is uncomfortable about changing at first, you’ll get used to it. They probably mean you’ll get used to changing classs, or changing in the locker room. Dont worry, you’ll have fun!

Hope this helps!


hahaha wait tell you get to high school

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