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Can I take prepharmacy classes and have a partime job at the same time?

Can I take prepharmacy classes and have a partime job at the same time?

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I know it’s possible. I have a friend who has done just that over the past few years. You will really need to work out your schedule and make sure to prioritize! You won’t have much time for a true college “social life” though.

You need to sit down and think about how many classes you are intending to take, how many hours you are willing to work, and if you will have ample time to study/do homework. It also might be helpful for you to talk to some students in the prepharmacy classes right now to get their take on how heavy the class loads are. Another question you need to ask is why are you wanting the part-time job? Do you need the money for school or do you just want some spending cash?

Working and taking classes can be extremely rewarding when you graduate because when you are done, you can look back and see how much you accomplished. But if it is going to put so much stress on you that you will not be able to do well in the classes, it might not be worth it. Best of luck!


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