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Can anyone help me with SATIIs?

I took the SAT in physics, Biology and Math. All of my scores were in the 500s range and I want to retake them.. If I do so, would that look really bad in college admissions??

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If you retake them, it wouldn’t look bad exactly. Just make sure you do good next time and you should be fine! Study! Good Luck!

yo yo yo
To be honest, if you got all three of those in the 500s, those test scores will not help you at all. The average for Bio is 590 or 630 depending on whether you took Ecology of Molecular. The average for Math is 590 or 640 depending on whether you took level I or II. The average for physics is 640.

Most colleges that actually require SAT IIs are quite competitive. They are looking for advanced applicants, not below average ones. I suggest you prepare for them again if you want to get into a college that requires them.

I don’t believe retaking would look bad for college admissions. While your original scores will be seen no matter what, you can’t be penalized just by retaking.


Most colleges will use the best 2-3 (depending on how many are required for admission) SAT Subject tests regardless of how many you take. Therefore, if you feel you can do better and want to retake them then you should. For more information about the college search or college admissions process see

Definitely retake them. If you study properly for the tests, it is easy to be well-prepared for them.

Your SAT Subject Test scores are designed to help verify your grades in your respective class. If you are doing very well in your class but get 500-range on your SAT Subject Tests, it will certainly hurt you. If you are doing below average in your class and get 500-range, it will probably help a tiny bit.

I’d suggest that you retake them. It shows your dedication. I’d definitely spend some money to get books to study for the tests. If you can’t afford them new, try to find them cheaper off of eBay.

Practice tests are the best method to help you score better on the real test.

Good luck!


You should retake them. It won’t look bad in college admissions because they will see that you are trying hard to improve. Just make sure that you study before you retake them.

no they won’t look bad on your college admissions, at least your taking them again and it will least let them see that you never give up and that’s good :]

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