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become a nurse or speech therapist?

i’ve been volunteering at a hospital working within the speech pathology area, and being a speech therapist seems like an interesting job. you get to work with patients, but i’m not too sure about how good the salary is. becoming a nurse seems interesting too, but i’ve heard that all the backbreaking work and disrespect isnt worth it. what are the pros and cons of each?

Top 4 Answers

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Nursing is the way to go. There is a lot of nursing jobs that can’t be filled. Hospitals are getting trained nurses from overseas because there isn’t enough here in the United States. It is said that there will be nursing shortages for many many years to come. This also drives the wages of nurses higher. A real big plus!

I’m not sure about what you’ve heard about disrespect. I am a heart transplant recipient. Most my followup care is through these nurses. I owe my life to them. They show me that they really care. That’s what nurses mean to me.

When I have been very sick and in the hospital I would only see a doctor a few minutes at a time. But it is the nurses that showed compassion and took care of me. I’ll never forget that. Be a nurse!


Prof. Dave
Well I say nurse yes there is disrespect by some of the doctors and so on. Yes it can be hard work but you get payed not to bad. The upside is that you can go back to school for your nurse practitioners license and then go into internal medicine or family practice. Then you can see your own patients and the pay is better.

5 years ago
I’m sure you could, but then what? Which would you practice? You’re only delaying your actual choice. Do some interviewing with people in the field and find out what they like/dislike/etc. Do some volunteer work. That can help you decide real quick.

Laurence W
Every city in the country has a nurse shortage. So where do you want to live ?

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