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Balance between teaching and family?

I am two years away from graduating from college and gaining my teaching license. I will have to begin teaching at that point and also be working on my Master’s degree at the same time though I have 3 years to earn it upon licensure. Problem is, hubby and I are trying to decide what would be better. To have a baby asap or wait until I start teaching. Right now I’m a full-time student and do part time work. From your experience, when would you say is a better time to have a family?

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Well the family and the career decision-tough question huh?

Well I had my first child while I was still in school, actually while I was doing my education courses. The edcation classes were not the hardest…it was actually the physiology and anatomy couses that I had to drop because the smell just made me sick to death. I had my son on April 26 and it is still a joke in the secondary education department of the college that I attended that I took my final in the closet with the baby because I just could not leave him at home. I went to a very understanding college. I was able to finish my student teaching and actually graduated pregnant with my second child. He often brags that he has already walked the stage in college graduation and that is why he is so smart. I have also finished my Masters and my Doctorate and my children are just becoming teens.

I found that when they were little I was able to study and read to them…it did not matter what it was it was just hearing moms voice that made them happy. I did take a little while off to work but then I decided I wanted to finish up before they hit those wild teenage years. In the process of all of this I went from being a teacher to a principal. I personally think that what I showed them was that it is ok to work hard and study. Now my boys want to study and do well. I think setting a good example can happen at any time so go to school when you feel like you can do it but do not over do it. Make sure you have your families support…you will need it on those late nights that you HAVE to finish that last paper or when they reschedule that basketball game to the day that you have class. It is tough but with determination you can do it. Good Luck.


Lisa M
I have been teaching for 15 years. I taught 7 years before I had children. My kids are 6 and 7 now and I just finished my masters. I WISH I WOULD HAVE GOTTEN MY MASTERS BEFORE KIDS! It would have been so much easier.

Do you want to work full time or part time when you have kids? It is much easier to become tenured and then start on a family. That way you are guaranteed a position if you want to take time off and then come back.

I hope that helps.


I had my first child while still attending college and my second child my second year of teaching. It was much easier to have my child while still in college because we planned the due date between semesters. After he was born, I was able to stay home with him longer because of that. Also, college classes take more time out of the classroom where I could still be spending time with my new baby.

When I had my daughter, I was in my second year of teaching. She was also due during Winter Break (well just before). But after she was born, I felt like I was getting behind in my work obligations and when I went back to work, I missed her terribly. It was actually after that school year that I decided to stay home (I stayed home and did home daycare for 5 years) until she became school age.

I got my master’s while teaching full time and having a 2nd and a pre-k’er. It wasn’t too bad because I did it 100% online. That’s the way to go! In my experience, districts don’t really care where you got your master’s from, only that you have it.

EDIT: The poster after me reminded me that my son also went to “college” with me. I went to a small private university. The education department was very small and it was my senior year. We had all been together for 4 years. The secretaries would “steal” my son from me for the day or during tests and I often breastfed during class.


Library Eyes
insurance benefits are great when paying for maternity bills

I taught for 3 1/2 years before first baby…got Masters before first baby…probably would not have had time for the Masters if I had not waited

it was better for us to have first baby after Masters degree


No one should have a family until they are ready for it and know that they are ready. Financially, work-wise, etc.

I know a lot of people who jointly make over $100,000 a year and they HAVE to split their days. The husband works nights and the wife works days, because they can’t afford outside child care on a regular basis.

You have to decide where you fit, because ONCE you make babies YOUR LIFE ENDS and THEIR LIFE BEGINS and lot of babies stay at home unitil they are in their late 20s.


Cambrianna S
Wait until you have finished school. It is difficult to juggle studying, taking care of your house, and a baby.

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