Anyone else bristling over big industry’s attempts to usurp public education?
Passing a standardized test as a graduation requirement was never part of the concept of public education until industry decided it didn’t want to pay for testing and training anymore and started pressuring state and local school districts to do it along with putting pressure on schools to turn out hi-tech factory worker drones at the expense of individuality.
Absolutely Nothing in this movement benefits stuents.
Or am I alone in the wilderness on this?
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The sooner the government gets out of the schooling business, the better.
It would be unfair for hardworking students from one challenging school to be beaten by another simply because that other kid had a school rampant with grade inflation and easy classes.
It’s not true that standardized testing doesn’t benefit students. In my school, our advanced classes are serious- everyone either gets a 4 or a 5 on the AP exam. In the same classes at other schools, hardly anyone ever cracks a 3. I’m glad that those exams exist so they can show to colleges that an A in my class isn’t the same thing as an A in another.
And when did a school ever adjust a student’s learning experience because of how he or she did on a standardized test? And it’s naive to think that colleges actually compare test scores among different schools to evaluate the value of a given GPA.
Giving all the attention to the A students and expecting everyone live up to their standard is bogus. I notice all the standards are set by ivory towered college graduate school board members and business owners, not the rank and file in society.