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anyone a PhD drop out?

OK so I just passed my qualifying exams for the PhD program in Electrical Engineering. Sometimes though I have doubts about continuing. Has anyone dropped out, and did you regret it? What kind of job did you get? Should I just shutup and do it? Sometimes I feel like I want something simple like being a florist…haha.

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Congratulations on passing the Quals! I didn’t drop out, but I can tell you that your doubts are absolutely standard. The people I know of who did drop out fell into two categories; some who faced specific challenges, like conflict with family priorities. Those people never looked back (one guy in my class dropped out when his four-year old complained that he never saw him any more. The guy had a serious business career before, so he went back to it and enjoyed his kid). The others were those who just felt a vague sense of dissatisfaction, but weren’t sure what they wanted to do instead. Most of those never seem to really have found themselves. I think they were similar to the students I ran into in my master’s program who kept talking about maybe getting pregnant – the program was tough and there was a lot of fear, so a good excuse to leave would have been nice! Based on that, I would advise you to at least move on to the next phase, coming up with a dissertation proposal. If that doesn’t happen, then you can rethink things, but right now, while I understand your concern, I wouldn’t advise dropping out.

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