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About choosing a major in college?

How does anybody choose a major in college? Do you pursue a major that is more geared toward a career path for the future or is it more what a person is intrested in? Alot of people I think go to college just to get a degree or major in something that would help them get a high gpa.

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Get an education. Take general courses in the first two years and find out where you feel you will fit best and what will offer you the most opportunities—then declare your major in your junior year..

Brandon B
I am a senior in Mechanical Engineering at Purdue. Having finished 3 years at the university level and never changing a major, I feel that I chose the correct path.

In my experience of working in industry (engineering job) for 3 summers in a row, I would say that your college education does not guide your career path. Most of the things you will learn in college will guide you into being a well learned adult. The true purpose of the university experience is not to prepare you for a job. A technical college does that. The university teaches you how to be a self taught individual, who can think on his/her own without being spoon fed. After your graduation from university, an employer will see that you have passed the university test. Most job education is actually done on the job, you shouldn’t think that once you finish college, you’ll be able to do any job you want, you should however realize that you can learn do to any job you wish to pursue.


First you have to think about what it is that you want to get out of college. Are you going to college to be prepared for a particular job? Or do you just want to be an educated person because you will get more pleasure out of life?

A lot of people don’t really know what they want to do, but they know the field they’re interested in, so they start off on that path.

I think more than half of college students change majors at least once. You grow a lot during those years and often you get a clearer picture of what you expect to gain from your college experience.

A high GPA is good, of course, but it is a means to an end, not the end in itself. Sadly, it’s possible to learn how to get good grades and then to learn nothing else! Grade are not always the best indication of what you learned or how well.

I didn’t get the best grades in college, but my education prepared me for many situations in my life. I can really only see that in retrospect (it’s been a few years). It didn’t prepare me for any particular kind of work but my life is undeniably richer for having gone to college.


A lot (2 words) of people “shop” for an interest in one area of study while they take general & required classes the first year or two.

A high GPA in a major field you really don’t enjoy or want to spend your life working @ isn’t worth much & many find themselves back in college getting those credits in something they’d like to do in life.


Do something that you’re interested in. Some people do go for things that will get them a high GPA, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll get great jobs. You have to love what you do, and you’ll be offered a lot of opportunities.

Definitely go for something you’re interested in. If you know you want to work in a particular field, pick a major that will help you get a job in that area.


Choosing a career is a very personal matter and your major in college is very helpful in helping you achieve that career goal. In choosing you need to talk to as many people in the caareer field that you are interested in.

I find this method to be most revealing, simply by asking people by certain careeer fields that you are interested in, you can ask questions like, what are the major drawbacks or benefits of this particular career ?

It’s truly most important to choose something for the future balanced with someting you truly like doing. When you can combine both, in one career field, that Amore!


First, don’t stress… from my experience, there is so much that happens in life you cannot plan for. That said, I’d say take General Ed classes just to balance out your education. There is a book called ‘What Color is Your Parachute’ by Richard Nelson Bolles that has a step-by-step plan for finding meaningful work…

I went to a regular college and found it absolutely worthless. The classes taught me nothing for the ‘real world’ and I found that most of the professors were there to make money not actually to help students learn something…if I am paying so much I expect more from an institution than that. I got burnt out, because I worked hard to get good grades, that were worthless in the real world. That is just my experience in college.

Good luck to you!


i would personally say that if you will choose a major it should be smthing that you like and interested in .. and in the same time .. choose smthing that you can get a job with – if you want to work later on – ..

you’ll do this program for several years .. so dont get ur self stuck on smthing not interesting or u’ll hate doing ..

good luck .. =)


Depends on what you want to do. A BA or BS in anything will find you employment, however, if you want to focus on a specific occupation such as scientific or media related, it is best obtained by majoring in those categories.

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