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a sexual position called the marty moose.?

I’m not being smart or funny, but there is a sexual position named after the Vacation movie, called the ” marty moose”

please help

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Mary S

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not that i know of. but let me know if there is one.

5 years ago
‘Knee Trembler’, without a doubt (if you’re a bloke). (Standing (not leaning on anything!), supporting her weight as well as yours.) This engages the large muscles (buttock and thigh), which will need a huge quantity of fuel and oxygen to keep it up for 45 minutes. I’d recommend that you do this with one foot raised on a step of some sort (to protect your back, and rest one side a bit), and keep changing feet. If you can do this for three-quarters of an hour, you REALLY need a medal (try downhill skiing). Afterwards (or maybe after 20 minutes), you’ll probably faint because most of the blood in your body will be helping to rectify the ‘oxygen debt’ in your legs, and there’ll be none left to operate your brain. If you’re a girl, then you should perform in a headstand, with your legs around his waist. Traditionally, he leans towards you, so you need really strong arms, but he can help by hanging from a doorframe or overhead bar. You can do this facing ‘upwards’ with your back arched, or facing ‘downwards’ like a ‘no hands’ wheelbarrow race. Many women find the arched version incredibly stimulating, because of the angle of penetration. Again, 45 minutes of this is a seriously athletic achievement, although the ‘wheelbarrow’ version allows you to periodically put your feet down and take a break. If you both hang from bars about a metre apart and entangle your legs, you can generate a lot of relevant friction because of the swinging motion. Probably not very sexy, but more oxygen will be available because your rib cage is being stretched open by the weight on your arms. Extra oxygen will allow you to be more athletic about it, or keep going for longer. Don’t hang for too long, or you’ll crucify yourself (by expanding the ribs so much that you can’t breathe properly).

Don’t know. But, there IS a Kama Sutra called soaring butterfly.

Not sure but i’d think its very much like a filthy lopez or a dirty castro.

Sounds kinda kinky. Personally, I’m not into antlers…

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