Why don’t American schools teach Civics anymore?
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I think “civics” has certain connotations, too. It gets tricky teaching “ethics” in relation to government without going into religion and the whole church-state mess, especially these days. And maybe it’s just me (and I’m definitely a product of my times, like anyone) but the whole idea of “rights and duties of citizens” sounds very… I don’t know, overly (fanatically) patriotic or nationalistic… the little voice of rebellious youth in the back of my head wants to say something about the government brainwashing children… but, hey, I’m young. And I had a very cynical AP Government teacher.
I notice this effect when I am inside the classroom with students. (I am a Substitute Teacher) I notice that the students’ roots of Ethical-“rightness” is learned from off the street. 🙁
It is no longer “the Teachers’ obligation” to instill a compass of Civic training when the scope of ethics within our own borders (U.S.A.) so commonly changes.
The Teachers are so afraid that the Parents will “lower-the-boom” on them if / when the lessons differ from their Family traditions.
In our current system, no one has obligations and all rights belong to groups not citizens.