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What do think did Rizals that best way of attaining the goals is to serve the country was through education?

What do think did Rizals that best way of attaining the goals is to serve the country was through education?

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If you are asking what do I think about Rizal’s idea that the best way to attain one’s goals of serving the country was through education, I would say that Rizal was a person who thought way ahead of his time. He saw that the way out of the situation the Filipinos were in at that time was education. Knowledge is power, remember? The Spaniards deprived the common Filipino of education, keeping them poor and ignorant (hence the derogatory “Indio”), except for the few who could afford to go elsewhere for education. Up to now, Rizal’s idea that education is the way resonates with the present situation the Philippines is facing. We have become a major “exporter” of professionals – nurses, doctors, teachers, etc, who bring home dollars and keep our economy afloat, though I don’t think this is what Rizal meant. I think Rizal envisioned a Philippines as an intellectual superpower where professionals like nurses, doctors, teachers of excellent standing actually stayed in the Philippines and made more excellent students who would one day become professionals of excellent standing as architects, engineers, doctors, nurses, teachers, scientists, etc.

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