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Help in mathematics.?

A thank can be filled completely with water by two pipes in 10 minutes. It is given that the larger pipe alone takes x minutes to fill the tank while the smaller pipe alone needs an additional 3 minutes to fill the same container.

Q1) Write down an equation in x, and show that it simplifies to x^2 – 17x – 30 = 0.

Q2) Solve the equation x^2 – 17x – 30 = 0, giving the solutions to 3 decimal places.

Your help is truly appreaciated.


Top 2 Answers

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Larger pipe fills (1/x) of the tank in 1 minute and smaller pipe fills (1/(x+3)) of the tank in 1 minute. In 1 minute TOGETHER, they will fill 1/10 of the tank

(1/x) + 1/(x+3) = 1/10

multiply throughout by x*10*(x+3), we get

10(x+3) + 10x = x(x+3)

10x +30 +10x = x^2 +3x

or, x^2 -17x -30 = 0 …..There you go!

solve this quadriatic equation to find the 2 values of x

If you really appreciate my taking the trouble to do this, then Rank my answer..!!!


i have no idea sorry, i hate maths sooooooo much, bt the first answer on here sounds good! failin that, go and ask for help in private with ur maths teacher, he will help u!

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