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Who has the right to claim Sabah? Philippines or Malaysia? State your proof in w/c county you used to answer.?

Who has the right to claim Sabah? Philippines or Malaysia? State your proof in w/c county you used to answer.?

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Sabah is currently a Malaysian state. Philippines claim the eastern part of the state of Sabah based on the cession of the Sultanate of Sulu by the Sultanate of Brunei. However since the Philippine Government fails to recognize Sulu their claim has weakened. The east of the state is home to a large number of Filipinos. I would say that since Sabah is recognized as part of the territory of Malaysia, then it should remain so, however if it becomes clear that the Filipinos on the eastern part or generally the eastern part of the state wishes for a change in their affiliated country then it would be up to the people to decide.

currently, Sabah is part of Malaysia, politically and culturally. I think there’s no harm in keeping it that way.

its up to the ppl to decide.. 🙂

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