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How do you refuse to go to school?

I know that now that I am 16 I have the right not to go. Do I just tell my parents? Or is there some legal thing I have to do?

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When you are 16, you can drop out of school with parental permission. If your parents say no, then you HAVE to go to school. When you are 18, you can drop out without parental permission.

George Y
You also have the right to hold up a cardboard sign asking for money. Are you prepared for the real world? If you think being 16 is ready, then think about why 18 or 21 is considered voting age.

How much have you changed in the last few years? How much have you learned? Well, from 16-18 or beyond (because learning really doesn’t stop with HS) you will continue to mature and grow.

You may have the right, but it may not be constructive.

By the way, how much room and board do you plan to give your parents and how will you pay for it? If you’re truly liberated, then you need to assume the whole ball of wax, not just the parts you like.


Walking on Sunshine
Actually you must attend school by law until you graduate – that means that if you have enough credits to graduate you can quit attending. If school is that bad see if your school has an alternative self education option. With the increase in gang activity and police stations on campus more students are opting for Independent Study and Occupational Educational centers to complete school without all the terror many students are now facing. Look on your district website and see if you can get your parents to sign off on Independent study. Good Luck

What state do you live in? Early dropouts (even if they are 18) in NC can have their drivers liscense suspended until they are 21 or find a full time job. I believe other states may have similar laws. Before trying to dropout try to find out as much information on penalites/fines that can occur. I do not recommend you drop out. Try to make it thru high school and perhaps try a technical school afterwards. You will probably be making minium wage the rest of your life without your high school dipolma or your GED. think about it.

Most states can prosecute your parents for your not attending school (truancy) so hang in there if you can. Unless you have problems with that particular school, you should stick it out because believe me you will regret it. Even now HS Diplomas don’t get you too far, but between that and a GED, if you have that choice, a HS diploma is best.

Yes, you have to withdraw, and there is paperwork involved, so I guess you will have to consult with your guidance counselor and/or the principal or your assistant principal. I know this is going to sound old, but you need a diploma to be able to do anything in today’s society. You will find that obtaining employment with an adequate salary will be almost impossible.

its about time
You actually do not have that right unless your parents give you permission. You also have to file legal papers and its a difficult and long process which usually doesn’t get approved.

answer faerie, V.T., A. M.
read Grace Llewelyn’s “Teenage Liberation Handbook” and have a viable alternative to propose.

you have to go to school, or will end up working for Mc Donalds for the rest of your life

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