what should i do to become the top student in my school?…plzz help?
and my ambition is to become a doctor….
what should i do to achieve that goal?
is becoming a doctor a difficult thing?
i really wanna do well in my studies especially in my science subject…erm…i m actually not really a perfect science student
what should i do to improve in my science and become the top student?
Favorite Answer
Well, it ain’t like that kid. Some of us have more discipline than others, and some of us are smarter than the dude or chick next to us. It’s just the way life is. You fit somewhere in the spectrum of all of that. I suggest that you learn your strengths and weaknesses. Know thy self. Find out what sets you apart from the person next to you, or what you are generally better at than others. Spend your time and effort developing that to the best of your innate abilities.
Study for your tests and make sure you get As in all of your classes. This way you can maintain a 4.0 throughout all of highschool.
If you feel up to the challenge take a heavier course load in science. Take Biology in freshman year, than chemistry, physics and AP Bio. You wll be all set.
Becoming a doctor is difficult. It take at minimum 6 years of additional schooling, but I am sure with a lot of hard work you can do it 🙂
But if you think being a doctor is easy, you need to look up the information online & see what it takes to be a doctor.
You can do it, defiantly. You just gotta get into the game.
firzt of all
take thoze zhroomz growing in the zcience garden
and get hyphy
then you gotta go ztraight to the corner of 23rd and bernard you’ll find a guy name mark
tell him that dumbledore zent you to party with the giantz
he will then hand you a zmall bag of white power
znort that
walk into the cafeteria completely baked and azk to zpeak with the prezicent
they will take you to a zmall room
with where the wallz are made out of matrezzez
and then they give you a nice jacket
but they put it on backwardz
and then they do all your work for you and turn it in
prezto. amaze-o.
you win