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is community service a factor in law school admissions?

im sure it is helpful, but to what extent. if my gpa and lsat score are low would comm. serv. help?

Top 7 Answers

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Your GPA and LSAT test score combine for a raw score that puts you high or low in the pile of applications. But once they get to your application (if they get to your raw score before they find their accepts and fill their wait lists), they will look at all kinds of things: your background, volunteerism, work experience, essays, letters of rec, etc. The more the better. No school goes just by the numbers because the more diverse the students are, the better the classes will be and the more valuable your experience will be.

Joscelyn C
Those are called “soft factors”. Hard factors are your GPA and LSAT score. Community service goes into the same category as extra curriculars and employment. It looks a little better but it doesn’t do anything to bump you up a notch. Basically, if they waitlist you this is when it may come in handy. A person with a 3.9, 162 and is president of his frat looks better than a person who just has a 3.9 and a 162 with nothing else. Go to

Nasir P
Most schools will only consider other factors such as community service, recommendations, and other qualifications if you meet the school’s standards with your LSAT score and GPA. If your LSAT is low, and you have only taken it once, consider taking it again. The schools will usually take your average LSAT score. Learn how to prepare for the LSAT and get into law school at my website–see link below.

I also have included a LAW SCHOOL FINDER where you can compare law schools and their specifications.


If both the GPA and LSAT are low, you’re screwed. Community service is looked at, but only as an enhancement to an app. They can’t reverse the two most important factors.

it is not weighed heavily at all unless you have done something really, really remarkable (example – started some type of fund raising campaign that has raised a substantial amount of money for those with AIDS, a rare form of cancer, etc.). in most cases it won’t make up for a low gpa or lsat score. sorry.

Every school would be different so your best bet is to contact the schools interested in and asking them.

Probably not- they don’t want kind people- they want mean, deceitful people in law school. Thats what it takes to be a successful lawyer.

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