Can i change my GCSE option when i start in September?
I chose my year 9 options last month, and one of my options i chose was History. Im now regretting it and would like to take ICT. But, what i want to know is, is there anyway i can get out of doing History and move on to ICT as the closing date for option changes i missed. Is there a system where i can drop it and move into an ICT class. Im really worried now 🙁 Thanks x
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Speak to the school, as long as History and ICT are at the same time and there is room in ICT for you then there should be no problem. Schools know youngsters change their minds and will accommodate you the best they can.
4 years ago
What GCSEs you chosen are much less significant – as much as a factor – than the grades which you get. you’ll be aiming for good grades, countless A*s and few B’s. That stated, doing 2 artwork matters in Drama and artwork ought to place you at a reasonable downside. historic previous is definitely a good one to do. Does your college grant extreme thinking ‘A’ point? if so, I strongly advise which you contain this on your A stages. it particularly is a suited precursor to regulation and trains you interior the way of thinking which you’ll want with a view to verify Statutes and consumer-friendly regulation. yet as quickly as back, it particularly is the grades that are significant too. attempt to chosen something which you’re the two good at and could savor. 2 years is a protracted time to be examining something it particularly is uninteresting or particularly complicated. I took a regulation ‘A’ point previously doing a regulation diploma yet became strongly counseled against doing so – i became informed that Universities enjoyed to be waiting to coach you regulation their way. i chanced on, in spite of the shown fact that, that having had the less complicated “grounding” interior the a point that the diploma got here much less stressful to me than to 3 different of the scholars on the path. wish you’re making it!
yeh just ask your school or tell your parents to tell ’em should be perfectly fine.
it depends if their are places left and it doesnt corrupt your timetable