Would you guys please help me????..easy question for you.?
I’m not an English speaker and I wanted to know what this sentence which is a saying means?
” I had all my ducks in a row.” When do we use this saying??..thank u so much….
Top 6 Answers
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everything is ok, ready to go.
plans are ready
If you ever saw a mother duck with her babies out for a stroll, they tend to walk/swim in a straight line.
It means that you have everything organized, and you are ready to proceed.
is not a common phrase but if you translate it, it means having things all lined up straight and perfect; having things in control and set to go.
It means to be organized and prepared.
just to let you know,
i didn’t even know what this meant.
it’s not very commonly used phrase
it means that everything was looking good, that everything seemed perfect.