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What is the difference between ISBN-10 and ISBN-13?

Why is it necessary to have two different ISBN numbers for the same book, or do they both refer to the same book?

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Both 10 and 13 are based on the same ISBN number. ISBN-13 is based on ISBN-10, has prefix 978 and recalculated check digit.

The reason for it is that ISBN agency is running out of numbers and is going to introduce new 979 prefixes in a year or so.

Both ISBN-10 and ISBN-13 are the same ISBN number just in two different forms.

You can generate an ISBN-13 + the barcode that goes with it using this site:

Just enter 978 + your old ISBN-10 – the new check digit will be calculated automatically and you will get the barcode image.


5 years ago
ISBN is The International Standard Book Number, or ISBN (sometimes pronounced “is-ben”), is a unique identifier for books, intended to be used commercially. There is another quite similar system, the International Standard Serial Number (ISSN), for periodical publications such as magazines. The ISBN system was created in the United Kingdom in 1966 by the booksellers and stationers W H Smith and originally called Standard Book Numbering or SBN. It was adopted as international standard ISO 2108 in 1970. The other ISBN -13 is the stores’ in-house reference series of which 9 of the numbers should be the same.

6 years ago
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What is the difference between ISBN-10 and ISBN-13?
Why is it necessary to have two different ISBN numbers for the same book, or do they both refer to the same book?


i dont know, but it sure makes buying textbooks online a *****.

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