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Does anyone know of any good World Geography games?

I’m looking for a game to play with my 9 & 10 years olds. Does anyone know the game Travel Buff? It looks so fun, but it says it’s for teens and I’m worried it’ll be too hard for them. What world geography games have you played and enjoyed? There are plenty of games out there, but all without actual user reviews and I’m not sure which would be the best one. Any recommendations?

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This site has free games on line for beginners on up.

This one is not as easy but has lots of stuff on it along with the geography quizzes.

This one will keep them entertained and is quite cute.

From National Geographic with geography and other stuff.

This should get you started. Enjoy!


We use several, both board games, and computer software games.

For the USA we use a board game called the Great States, and for world geography we use Where in the World.

This is not the Carmen San Diego one, however we do have that on disc, as well as DK’s I Love The USA

Just type DK I Love the USA in the search area.

Here is a webs site that offers many educational, and family board games, just click on geography, the Great States game is on page 2, and Where in the World was not on the pages but a search turned it up at this link;

We have, and are still enjoying many games purchased from this company; have fun.


Yes it may be, use the first link and it will send you right to the games page.


We have a game called World Dash. You get certain cards with countries on them, and have a set amount of time in which to arrange them in a line of touching countries. It can be done with or without the aid of a map, depending on the skill level of the players. The game says ages 10+. There is also a version called Mad Dash that is the US states.

I don’t think they are still making it but you might be able to find it in a second hand store – Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego. The whole plot is that she has gone off somewhere and you have to use clues to track her down! A great way to learn geography!

Hope that helps!


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