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WHat would a middle school reading teacher make in the Dallas area of Texas?

I am an 8 year teacher who is interested in the salary scales in the Dallas area. Also, I notice housing is so cheap. Are there teaching jobs available? My husband is a machinist. What’ s the job availablity like for that? Any links to job adds/ education links in the area would be helpful.

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The salary range is very wide in the DFW area depending on how far away you get from downtown proper. There are tons of suburb ISD’s that are much less stressful and pay almost as well as Dallas ISD and Fort Worth ISD (don’t rule the Fort Worth area out, it’s much too close). Very outskirt towns will pay just above state base (don’t quite know what that is – perhaps the 25,000 to 30,000 range), but as you move closer it goes up. The district just north of where I live is paying 44,000 to 1st year teachers. The one I live in is paying about 42,000 to 1st year teachers. And the one I work for is paying about 40,000 to 1st year teachers. Really the best place to start is to go to the region service center websites – Dallas is region 10 and Fort Worth is region 11 – and link to the district sites from there. Pull up a map of the DFW area to get an idea of where districts are – you can easily live in one and work in another (I drive 20 minutes to work, leave one district and pass through 2 more to get to the one I work in). Each district website will have a link to human resources (at least the majority will) to take a look at salary schedules and possible job openings. Just to let you know, Fort Worth does not post individual positions. Dallas may have the same policy. There are just so many jobs available in both districts that they simply cannot post them all; they just take applications. Here’s the link to get you started:|&NodeID=231

Good luck!!!

Actually, here are the more direct links:

Region 10:

Region 11:|&NodeID=119


Salaries are set by the local school boards. Check the school district web sites in the Dallas area. They usually have the salary schedule listed as well as any openings. For housing, get in touch with a realtor in the area.


Future Teacher
They start about $42,000 with no experience. I suggest submitting you application. Look on the web and you will find the pay schedule for a teacher of 8 years . I Think u would be around 43-45K

beginning teacher salary from $34000 to $37000;

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