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i m aplanning to continue to be homeschooled throughout high school?? I was wondering what are the usual college reponses towards a kid who has been homeschooled

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Colleges are very positive toward homeschoolers, on the whole; even Yale and Harvard accept homeschooled students. Many colleges are actively recruiting homeschooled students and have grant/scholarship money set aside for them.

You will need to plan your classes just as if you were in public or private school: get ahold of some course catalogs for the colleges you plan on applying to and see what their requirements are. Most will require 4 years of English, 3+ years of Math, various science and social studies (history, government, econ, sociology, etc.) classes, and 2 consecutive years of foreign language. As a homeschooled student, you can also take AP and CLEP based courses at your own pace.

The big thing, once you’ve figured out a course schedule with your parents, is to set up records. Because the school isn’t doing it for you, you or your mom will need to keep track of your time spent in each course, work completed/books read/projects done, and grades for your transcript. There are several computer programs that will do this for you, I’ve listed some below.

Also, check out some books at the library on homeschooling high schoolers. My faves are The Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling by Debra Bell and Homeschooling the High School Years. These will give you some great tips.

Above all, don’t listen to people like the first two posters…listen to people that know what they’re talking about 🙂

Hope that helps!


Sure, you have to do good in the standerized tests just like anyone else that wants to get into a good college but, homeschoolers are actually considered more highly than “normal” kids when it comes to applying to college. I really hope you stick to being homeschooled, it is always the best, most rewarding way to go. My sister was homeschooled through high school (and my brother and I are following her example) and she has gotten into a great school that she is very happy with.

Oh, and yeah, homeschoolers are involved in tons of activities – why is this social issue still a problem? I have so many extracurricular activities I can’t keep up – and homeschoolers can go to prom, too.


K ^_^ M
I’ve been accepted to a really good university and I was homeschooled through high school. Colleges and universities don’t discriminate against homeschoolers, but some may not accept your homeschool grades since homeschooling isn’t accredited (unless your doing it through your local high school). That was actually my problem when I applied for college, but most of the big name universities and colleges accept homeschoolers with no problem. Just I suggest that maybe in your junior year you start looking into colleges you’re interested in attending and make sure they will accept your grades. You really don’t want to wait for your last year and find out too late tey won’t take your grades ( like me ! lol) Well, I wish you all the best and you cam email me if you have any questions about it.

4 years ago
Luckily and strangely, I’ve honestly bought plenty of confident suggestions approximately homeschooling my children. You’ll be in a position to determine the change among “feedback” and “criticisms” and reply consequently. Many persons “remark” when you consider that they do not know a lot approximately homeschooling or have a couple of misapprehensions. You can make a decision when you wish to make use of this as an possibility to train them. Some persons hand out criticisms beginning with “I consider…” If you do not believe like coming into a debate with them or you realize they would possibly not concentrate to something you are saying besides, you’ll simply reply with “This is what my husband and I agree is exceptional for our youngsters” and difference the discipline. I could recommend looking to recognition at the positives of homeschooling alternatively than the negatives of college, although they do have an inverse dating. Some persons will take your choice to homeschool as an indictment in their possess parenting offerings. You cannot aid that; you’ll simply attempt to respectfully stroll away or difference the discipline.

Thrice Blessed
Many colleges seek out homeschoolers, they know that just having a diploma from a high school does not mean that you have an education, that is why they use the SAT, ACT, and other exams for weeding out those who slid by. They will look at your test scores, and if they question your grades it won’t matter that much if those grades are backed up by standardized tests. It wouldn’t hurt to take a few AP or CLEP exams either, you don’t have to, but it does show that you can handle the tougher classes! 🙂

Colleges often find homeschooled students some of the best and brightest! In some cases, validating high school credit work can be a problem, but these obstacles are usually worked through. An easier way to prepare for college entrance is to enroll in a virtual accredited program, like one called WorldWide IDEA Private Academy,, which takes care of accredited transcripts and diplomas, and their student registrar is experienced in communicating with college registrars in getting credits accepted. My friend’s daughter recently graduated from there, and she said it was much easier than for her son, who she had also homeschooled, but did not do it through WorldWide IDEA. Plus, their program has all of the credit requirements figured out, and you get help from their certified teachers, if you want.

Melissa C
A lot of colleges actually seek out home schooled students. I know that my daughter will be attending UCF in the ROTC program for the Air Force and they are happy to have her.

Keep your studies up and make sure you keep track of all classes you take and books you read. Keep your SAT scores up as well. You may even be able to take classes at a local community college while still in High School which will allow you to graduate with a couple college credits already in place. My daughter is going to dual enroll here and end up graduating High School with an AA degree.


I had to answer the stupidity from the first two answeres. Unless you purposely confine yourself from interaction with other people, you will be fine socially. I could only wish my daughters where not so busy! Between dance, swimming, youth groups, co-op, volunteering activities and participation in local government, I am running everywhere! People that don’t know much about Home schooling really shouldn’t answer.

BTW- My oldest may attend Prom and any other High School event she chooses to here. I believe it is that way in most places, just do a little research. is a good place to start.


Most are pretty receptive.

You WILL have to pass the Math and English placement exams.

You might need to take the SAT or ACT.

You had better be profieicent in

Algebra (1-2)

Geometery (1-2)


Pre Calcu

English Grammar and Comp (including styles such as APA and Chicago Manual)

Earth Science

Math Chemistry or Physics or Both




Biology (1-2)

History and Geography

If you intend to go to a PRIVATE college you should have 2 years foreign language.


Don’t listen to people who say you shouldn’t be homechooled just because of socialization issues. . . those people don’t know what they’re talking about.

But to answer your question, from what I’ve heard, colleges actually think very well of homeschoolers because they have a reputation for being self disciplined and motivated. I think you should mainly worry about the same thing as public schoolers, getting good scores on standardized tests and being involved in activities. You could even take AP tests and dual enroll, both of which look really good to colleges.


I’m being homeschooled through high school and I love it. I’ve heard that colleges really like students who are homeschooled because we tend to be smarter and have a better chance at actually finishing college.

Give your grades a lift Order