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What kind of jobs offer tuition reimbursments?

My paycheck comes from the city, and i technically work for the city, because, its a public place, and our funding our from our city. I go to a public college, also funded by the city/state…and there’s not tuition reimbursements…so what kind of jobs offer reimbursments.

Top 7 Answers

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Just go to the company websites. A lot of companies do. They want their employees to stay and it is a good benefit. I don’t know what you do but check out any company that you could work for because like I said many companies offer.

I used to work for an adult college. And that is how most of the students paid for their school. They don’t pay for all of it but some.


The only one I know of is nursing. From what I understand, hospitals will not only pay you a sign on bonus many times but they’ll also give you tuition reimbursement.

Look into Corporate Institutions. Also, all hospitals offer tuition reimbursement, try it.

Most decent employers offer tuiton reimbursement. Look at working for larger companies.

Theodore H
Usually very important high-paying jobs where you work from the neck up?

4 years ago
quite some firms furnish training information… its not in all danger the form of artwork, it rather is the dimensions of the corporate. attempt to grow to be a Cog in rather massive wheel and you will do great! look into agencies that have hundreds of workers

Usually anything in medical

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