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why do i want to work for your company?>?

help me, its on an application and i am dumbfounded. i dont know. i’m not sure i even do. but help.

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the answer is: For solidarity and growth

David H
Just think about what you would want to hear if you were hiring someone, every employer whether you need training or not wants a potential candidate that wants to make a career with the company. Try to make them realize you want a long term commitment with the company even if you dont.

For instance I would like to work for this company to supplement my current education and gain valuable hands on experience in the marketing(example) field, and turn my educational base into a career with this company.

However if your applying for starbucks or mcdonalds, then simply putting becuase I would be a great candidate or because I need a job will suffice.


sarah m
Before I ever send my resume to a company I always check it out on the internet. First, I want to see if it is a company I would like to work for. Secondly, I don’t want to appear stupid at an interview. After all, it’s just a search and can only make you more informed about the job market in your area.

Like the Boy Scouts say: Be prepared!!


haha. Once you fill out enough apps, you learn how to BS them. Think about what opportunities the company will give you. Perhaps it’s different than anything you’ve ever done. Perhaps you working there will give you the chance to put your education to work.

Do some online research about the company, that’ll help.

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